BB2’s Tips for Summer


So summer has started for me, and maybe many of you already, upon the recent completion of my school semester. Others will kick off summer with Memorial Day, and some next month because they believe everything the calendar tells them. With a slightly lighter load – or, in the very least, nicer weather [cougheventuallycough] comes the desire to spruce things up a bit with fun things to do over the summer. I’ve certainly given thought to how I’ll treat my non-busy moments of summer, as I am in desperate need of this academic break.

Some like to keep it simple. Some like to go on tons of trips, attend parties, or do all kinds of things to stay active. Either way, I say, why not do something you haven’t done before? Just to mix it up a bit. Here are BB2’s tips for a fun, healthy, and memorable summer:

1) One “Off” Day Per Week – Maybe it’s the weekend, or a random weekday when you’re not working. Have one day each week when you are scheduled to do NOTHING. This way you can physically, mentally, and emotionally relax. Maybe finally get the grass cut or the weeds trimmed. Maybe finally call your parents or uncle who keeps leaving messages. Or do a stake-out of a cop doing a stake-out. Because, why not? #CopStakeOut

2) Do Something Creative/Artistic – As humans, we all have aesthetic needs, and thrive much more when we are able to express ourselves in creative ways. So sing a song every few days, take up painting, dance around the house, play music that puts you in a good mood while you’re in the shower, take a class on the art of graffiti, become inspired by the graffiti, dispel the myths about nudity in art being inappropriate, express that myth by drawing your new-found beliefs in representation on a public bridge with graffiti, explain your artistic intentions to the cops when they complain about defacing public property but you have freedom of speech and were therefore doing the crumbling bridge “a favor”, tell the story to your community service buddies while cleaning the bridge despite the fact that they don’t appreciate art as much as the hookah they’re utilizing whilst cleaning…but yeah. Art is fun. Next. (This story not spoken from personal experience.)

3) Do Something Out of Your Comfort Zone – Jump on a skateboard on your street’s hill. Try that thing you saw on TV that shouldn’t hurt you THAT much. Go to the bar with your friend and make the same drink work for 4 hours. Sneak in a non-alcoholic beverage that looks like one but it isn’t (i.e. milk) just to fool everyone. Buy a new piece for your wardrobe that you wouldn’t normally, but it makes you look/feel great, so why not? Go sky-diving. Eat nothing but Pringles all day while binge-watching 5 seasons of your favorite show. Break your record of how many hours you can sleep without waking up while still breathing. Grab a smoker’s cigarette, put it out & tell them you care. Give them a hug. Find a McDonalds employee (or gas station employee), hug them, and tell them it’ll get better…then coach them on writing a resume. Grab someone’s cell phone and THROW IT ON THE GROUND.

4) Promote Artistry of Yesteryear – Find as many kids as you can and read the original Dr. Seuss books to them. Tell them about how the 2000s movies are insultingly pandering garbage that should be burned. Participate in a movie burning with the children. Teach them how to stop, drop and roll, because I don’t know if parents are doing that anymore.

5) Travel – Go to the White House and ask Joe Biden for a piggy-back ride. Be insistent.

6) Summer 2014 Movies – Attend a movie that everyone is talking about. Sit in the back and trash-talk it the entire time. OR laugh obnoxiously. If someone attractive openly complains to you, ask for their number and Friday night plans. If you don’t find them attractive, grab their popcorn and THROW IT ON THE GROUND.

can i have yo number

7) Road Trip Randomness – Go on a road trip with one friend and a video camera to a place where no one knows either of you. Record yourselves running up to random strangers to say/do random & slightly inconvenient things that are hilarious to you. Run away immediately. Drive back home laughing about it. Upload the video to YouTube. Become an internet celebrity. Guest star in a Jenna Marbles video. Give me a shoutout.

For example:

You: (from behind) Hey girl…you lookin’ good, in yo’ pony tail…just call me a lawnmower, because you need to cut this OUT! (run away)

Your Friend: (appears seconds later): Hey have you seen my brother? Kind of eccentric guy, sneaks up on people? Oh you did? He did what? I’m so sorry. It’ll never happen again. Hey that’s a nice watch you’re wearing. Wanna go out with me? My father’s the president.

deandre cole

So those are just some of my ideas on what you can do to make summer 2014 a memorable one. Got other ideas/plans? Drop them in the comments below!

Happy Summer!
