BB2 Monthly Assessment: January ’15

So. How are your New Years’ Resolutions going???
Better yet: How are those resolutions you set last year in January 2014?????

The point of setting a personal “resolution” is usually to make one’s self better in some way, big or small, via a positive change in life. This change must be achieved with a consistently changed habit. Changing a habit is one of the most challenging things a living being can experience, because it forces us to consistently think about the little things we are doing on the daily. When pursued for the right reasons and supported by consistency, it can often lead to the strongest of development for you in major ways. We often think of dietary/physical change as one of the biggest, but it doesn’t really matter what the change is – what matters is that you stick to it in order to transform. Here’s an example that I was absolutely taking for granted.

Just over a year ago now, I dislocated my shoulder while stretching. My arm popped completely out of the socket for about 90 seconds while watching Johnson Family Vacation (could have influenced the rating I gave the movie upon reviewing it months ago) and it was, to date, the worst physical pain I have ever felt. Prior to this, I was rather double-jointed – as in, I could do the rolling the arms over the shoulder thing. However, after my accident, I definitely could not stretch my arms over & behind my shoulders anymore. This meant every single time I went stretch (which was a pretty good amount per day), I couldn’t really extend myself too much. If I was around my mother, she would have to remind me to put my arms down. Of course, I’d be instantly annoyed because I usually did this absent-mindedly. But that’s part of the point – I had to  make a conscious decision to keep myself from doing that in order to avoid the possibility of disconnecting my arms again. Because let me tell you – it was not fun the first time around!

Changing a habit involves a conscious decision to do so, followed by an intentful consistency in keeping yourself evolving. That is what’s currently helping me to keep myself physically in tact in the limbs department. I kind of need these things to last for a while (just saying). The same goes for any habit you may want to change about yourself for the better! Are you seeking to better your relationships, a physical attribute, or being bad at mornings? (I’m still working on that one.) Take that thing, program it into your daily life, have a person nearby to keep you honest about it, and push through the frustrations. This was a small example, but I’m still dealing with it and probably will for a while. However, it’s giving me the right kind of motivation and perseverance in small ways that I’ll need on other things on a larger scale.

So I ask again: how are your habit-changing lifestyles going?
